Creating Cosmetics Without Synthetics

Marj Melchiors, founder
My personal goal is to educate as many people as possible to read their labels and do not take the word “natural” for granted. I have searched the world over to find the purest and highest quality cosmetic products for my customers. Suffering from allergies and chemical sensitivity since childhood, I had always sought out personal care and cosmetic products with minimal ingredients. After a professional career for 13 years as an interior designer, I started my natural cosmetics company as a mail order business in order to stay home with my two young daughters. I wanted to help others who were seeking products without synthetics while staying close to my family. At that time there was not such a thing as shopping online so I had to advertise in magazines. Two years later in 1999, I decided to build a website in order to reach more people. At that time I was one of the very few companies in the US selling natural cosmetics online.
My customer base continued to grow just as quickly as my daughters, and eventually I had to move my business out of my home and hire a staff. Due to many requests from customers wanting even lesser ingredients in their makeup than the brands I carried, I developed the Earth’s Beauty® line of loose powdered makeup. This led to the development of additional in-house brands: Cosmetics Without Synthetics ®, True Aroma™, and meisha™. We are proud of all of the companies we represent; Arizona based companies such as DeVita and Organic Excellence, to New Zealand's Living Nature and global Paul Penders, to name a few. Because of natural cosmetics having such a higher demand compared to my beginnings, in the summer of 2013 we opened our first retail store in Prescott Valley, Arizona. And a year later we added the NaturElle Spa inside our store. In 2020 due to COVID, we closed our store and spa however we maintain a display at the Herbal Boutique in Prescott Valley, AZ.
Over 20 years later, my very daughter who was a toddler when I started the business assists in the daily operations and is in charge of Customer Service.
Please email me with comments and suggestions that you may have. I love what I do and want you to have a pleasant experience ordering from my company!